the dilettante's guide to life



another weekend
2003-04-07 @ 8:29 p.m.

So, it was a fairly standard weekend: Pub, another pub, Late Night Bar of Evil, home at 6:00 am, sleep, repeat.

I know that I've mentioned that, as much as I love Lisbon, I just don't seem to go there very often. This is a pretty common phenomenon among people who live in our section of the coast. It is also seems to be equally true of those people that live in Lisbon.

Nigel came out to see us Saturday. I haven't seen him since our last party, which was before Christmas if I remember correctly. He's living in Lisbon, and hence doesn't get out our way very often. He says he's finally starting to settle in now, which is good. He likes his apartment, likes his neighborhood, has made some friends, including a "young lady" for whom he apparently has high hopes.

To Nigel, they're all "young ladies"-- partly because he's getting older, partly because he likes them relatively young.

It was a nice day, so we sat out at the Posh Pub in the Square for a while. After that we popped into the Pub, and then we went out for dinner at the Italian Sushi Restaurant, which makes twice in one week. The sushi was fantastic this time. Elvis and Nigel opted for Italian, which was also good. After that it was more pubs, finishing off at the LNBOE.

It shouldn't be such a long time before we see him again, considering that I agreed to have a party at our house this weekend. We used to have a lot more parties than we do now, so I'd been thinking about having one for a while now anyway.

I really ought to start doing something in that regard. Send out invitations, for a start.

Popeye did not come back to visit on Thursday, as planned. Instead, The Sweetie flew to the UK to see him. I have no idea of the reason for the change in plans, but it does seem to make sense. After all, he just got back.

Calvin turned up as advertised, though. He's doing well, which is great to see. He should be here next weekend as well.

We had a bit of a surprise when we walked into the LNBOE on Friday: Lady Jane has morphed from a (natural) blonde to a brunette. It's quite a change. They did a great job, and it's got some chunky highlights. She also had it cut. It's still quite long, but instead of being all one length she now has a bit of a fringe going on. Really, it does look fantastic, but it's so . . . . different. She didn't warn Sir about it, either, just came home one day last week with dark hair. Sir still looks a bit shell-shocked, although he says he's getting used to it.

Good for her, really. I've toyed with the idea of dying my hair red, but I've never had the courage to just go for it. Deep down, I know I never will. Oh, I've gone for a lighter blonde, or a slightly darker one, and I love me a perm now and again, but changing the color completely? Not me. I'm just too much of a wimp.


Today's winner in the Search Engine Referral Round-Up, courtesy of Yahoo: Elvis explodes for Thanksgiving. I must say, I was rather surprised at the amount of hits the searcher got for that one. Sadly, none of them actually featured Elvis exploding messily after a gargantuan turkey dinner. Then again, who would have expected links to the NFL?

In any case, it does make a nice change from my usual Google hits for things like Robbie Williams and "m*ving b*uncing bre*sts".

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