the dilettante's guide to life



sleep is over-rated
2002-09-22 @ 1:25 p.m.

As per usual, I returned from the salon with a lot less hair than anticipated. As per unusual, however, he talked to me about it for half an hour first. I have been trying to grow it out, but I like having short hair. It's so much easier, for one thing, and Cascais is very windy and damp, and my hair very fine, so the growing-it-out styles require much hairspray. He went through the options with me, I had him narrow it down to two, and I went for the one that he thought would suit my face best. I must admit that it did turn out to be shorter than I expected, but I like it. It's one of those messy, just got out of bed styles. Elvis, I think, would prefer something longer, but it's a feminine sort of style so I think he likes it well enough.

Mind you, I haven't washed it yet, but it survived hot sex in the afternoon very well, so I have high hopes. We shall see.

We went out last night, with the non-work-related friends. We have two groups of friends, those who want to be tucked in bed with hot cocoa by 10, and those who want to party hearty until 5 am. I must admit, I prefer the latter, but why can't we find a happy medium? That said, we were out until sometime after 4, and a good time was had by all.

Elvis and I had dinner at Gonçalves again. Elvis had the lamb, and I ordered the pork loin, thus avoiding bone shards and so forth. But not, unfortunately, the salt, even though the pork was lovely and tender with a minimum of fat. We decided that, as much as we like the place, it will not become our little neighborhood local place, as the salinity is a big problem. So the search will have to continue. I have my eye on a place down the street that might fit the bill.

We went to a new Enoteca that Dick and Jane found, and I love it. I miss places like that since we left Italy, and I predict that we shall go there often. Although, not too often, since they don't serve beer. On the other hand, they might: Elvis agreed to drink wine so we didn't ask. In the end, Miss Kitty and I decided that the walls were not red-flock wall paper, but some sort of paint effect, probably involving sponges. I meant to feel it up when I went to the bathroom, but I forgot. Whatever it is, we like it. And it was cheap: 75 Euros for 7 of us for countless bottles of wine, and they had had big platters of cheese and meat for dinner before we even arrived. In fact, I think there must have been a mistake there somewhere, although I didn't see the actual bill.

After that, a trip to the Pub, and after that we went to the Late Night Bar, where the music is always good and the crowd always rowdy. I vaguely recall singing and dancing with Miss Kitty, but not on top of tables, so that's all right.

Today, it's another lunch at the Posh Pub. It looks to be a gorgeous day, so maybe we'll be able to sit outside and alarm the tourists with our gutter conversation again. Given how last week's Sunday "lunch" turned out, I have decided to be somewhat responsible and do my portuguese homework before we go.

Of course, if I was really being responsible, I would have done it already.

Yeah, right.

In any case, it's time to hit the shower and the books, in roughly that order.

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