the dilettante's guide to life



virtue is not its own reward
2002-09-24 @ 10:33 a.m.

Last night we (gasp!) went to bed early.

Like, way early. 10:30, and we weren't even sick, or at least I don't think we are. Elvis read for fifteen minutes, and I read until about 11:30.

I slept like crap. I'm sorry, but I really did try. I just couldn't get to sleep, and when I'd drift off every now and then, I'd wake up after an hour or so. It's probably something hormonal, as that happens every now and again. On the other hand, it could be this getting to bed early shit.

Which, quite frankly, I thought was never going to happen. Elvis and I were talking about it on Saturday, and we decided that we would start getting to bed earlier. We both seem to be tired all the time, Elvis more than me, but seeing as he's the one with an actual job that requires actual mental functioning, more sleep would seem to be in order. So we decided to be in bed by eleven on work nights.

I didn't actually think it would happen. We didn't get back from "lunch" on Sunday until 11:30 or thereabouts, so that was Night One of the new regime shot to hell already.

Then, last night, Elvis informs me that he was getting a ride in with a co-worker today.

At 6:30 am.


Elvis actually started to get ready for bed at ten. In this household, that constitutes a minor miracle. And we got up this morning at 5:30-- something completely unheard of without the intervention of an airplane or fishing pole.

It's not even 10:00 am, and I feel that I have had a rich, full day. I've shlepped the last of the boxes around, done a bit of general cleaning, wiped cat piss off the bathroom floor, sorted through closets and so forth. I'm current on the all the news and the general state of the world which, by the way, sucks. I even ate a nutritious breakfast.

So, to recap: I am tired, sore and depressed.

Next stop: gym. Gotta keep that virtue going. Actually, I would have gone earlier, but when I looked outside to check the weather I saw a steady stream of suits with gym bags heading in that direction, and decided to let them have it. I hate waiting on the machines.

Great. I just wrote "depression" for "direction" in that last sentence. Do ya think the ghost of Freud is trying to tell me something?

Nah. My life is going pretty good right at the moment, more or less. Although I did spend most of the last few days trying not to think about something.

My gold membership is gone. Kaput. So over. I spent a lot of time last week trying to renew it, and failing. Paypal is not my friend, and will not let me pay. They don't even want to be a minor acquaintance. When I paid for the membership originally, Paypal was less than buddylike as well, but there was an alternative for internationals that took my money with no problems. Diaryland doesn't accept that method anymore. PP shouldn't be a problem-- I was using US credit cards, with US mailing addresses and US phone numbers. I believe it might have something to do with the address and phone number being The Company's. Not much I can do about that, as that is our permanent address, aside from a PO Box, and our bills don't get sent there anyway. Plus, there is no phone. And I'm not able to call them, even though I was willing to use my appallingly expensive mobile to do so. (Still no landline, by the way. PT says Friday afternoon, but we've heard that one before, haven't we?)

I wrote Andrew an email about it, but still haven't heard back. I guess when my membership expired, my mail went to the back of the queue. The ironic thing is that I'd planned to get an ultragold membership, or whatever it is. I think Andrew provides a good service, and I don't mind paying extra to help him out. But seeing as I can't....

Bye-bye gold. And yes, I know that I don't use a lot of the features anyway. No images, for one, as you might have noticed. But, in another ironic twist, I had been planning to. I've been wanting to, actually, for months. But then we moved, causing much busy-ness before and after, and no internet access for a while, blah blah blah. But in the last week or so I've been discussing it with the ever lovely Katress, and she'd agreed to design a new template for me. So sweet, she is, go read her diary if you haven't. Anyway, I'd even walked down to the Mouth of Hell and took some pictures, because, you know, the Mouth of Hell is just the sort of thing that belongs on my diary. And now, no more gold.

I went looking around for dland alternatives, but I don't really want to move. I like it here. So now I have to decide what to do next. I have webspace on geocities with my yahoo account, but I hate geocities with a passion. And even if I just used it for storing the images, it would get kind of complicated and make the page slow to load and so forth, wouldn't it? And all those pop-ups. I'd like to meet the weenie who thought that was a good idea, especially with the mood I'm in now.

I think I have some other space with my personal ISP, but it would be the same problem, plus I think Elvis may be using it for our homepage. I'm not sure if netcabo gives me space or not. Perhaps I'll have to haul out my dictionary and find out, although their homepage is a disaster, as I discovered while trying to get the information needed to set up my email.

One way or another, I'll figure something out, I'm sure. I need to work harder on learning html, in any case. But it is annoying, and frustrating, and just generally what I do not need right now.

I think I'll go take out my frustrations on the rowing machine now. And I'd better not have to wait for the leg-press.

My upper-body strength may be lacking, but I can kick with the best of them.

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