the dilettante's guide to life



howling winds, steaming soup
2002-12-10 @ 7:16 p.m.

I made a fire last night, which would have been warm and cozy and soothing except for one tiny thing: the smoke. The flue was open and the fireplace draws correctly, so that wasn't it. We have a fireplace that you can shut a glass door on and turn on a fan to blow the heat into the room. The smoke wasn't coming from the fan, though, it was coming from the door, which doesn't seem to seal properly. Or maybe it closes the way it is supposed to and either (1) I don't know how to make a proper fire, or (2) the wind kept gusting down the chimney, forcing it out into the room. Either way, the door kept belching big clouds of smoke at regular intervals. All of a sudden, I looked across the room, realized I couldn't see the other side clearly and was probably in danger of smoke inhalation.

So I had to open the door to the terrace and one of the windows in the kitchen. Which kind of defeats the purpose, you know?

This morning when we got up, it was dark, which wasn't surprising as it was only 5:45. In addition, our apartment smelt like a barbeque joint and it was still windy and raining. Seriously, I saw the wind blow a puddle down the avenida in front of our building. It was like a Star Trek effect.

The wind is still howling away right now, although it slackened a bit this afternoon. That's OK: I've got soup. In fact, I've got plenty of soup.

Elvis didn't like it, despite it being pureed real smooth (No Bits!), and not containing anything he doesn't like. Well, obviously it does-- I just dont know what it might be. But it's all good. More for me. I've had some already, and it's even better than yesterday. Soup does that.

We've decided to side-step the whole smoky fireplace issue and hit the pub tonight.

Provided that we aren't blown into the Atlantic Ocean on the way down, of course. Man, is it howling out there. I ought to record it and sell it to a sound effects company.

I feel like having another bowl of soup.

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