the dilettante's guide to life



2002-10-24 @ 8:40 p.m.

I've just done something really stupid.

Well, not so much stupid as insane.

Naturally, it seemed only mildly insane at the time, but since I am, in fact, mildly insane already, what the hey, why not?

Then the full ramifications set in, and it's one hundred percent, gibbering, "Bring out the straightjacket, Vern, we've got a live one here!" type of insane. Luckily, I can wear white, but I'm not so sure about the high neck.

No, this is the kind of insane that makes people want to cross the street to avoid you and not sit next to you on any form of public transport. What's worse is that the type of people that do want to sit next to me on public transport aren't likely to be deterred.

On the other hand, I can't seem to get into my mailbox, so I might be saved after all. Maybe it's God's way of giving me a way out. Although I seriously doubt that He invented the Portuguese internet provider with that very purpose in mind.

I haven't gone barking mad just yet.

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