the dilettante's guide to life



i am the operator of my pocket calculator
2002-10-23 @ 6:01 p.m.

That title, by the way, has nothing to do with this entry. I just heard that song and, well, when is the last time you heard that song? Uh-huh. Thought so.

I'm on Elvis' computer by the way. He wanted me to set up his email and stuff, seeing as it's been six weeks or more since we got the cable put in, and he doesn't know how to do it. This man is a computer professional, folks. But that's OK. You need something done in assembler, though, and he's da man.

I don't mind. After all, I am in charge of the VCR and so forth. And mine is still defragging.

Damn thing's been defragging for eighteen hours now, and counting. It does seem to be making some progress, though, judging by all the funky little colored squares it's flashing. They're changing, I swear. The patterns are getting neater all the time. And it just got up to fifty-four percent completed before feeling compelled to start over. For the longest time, it never managed to get past ten.

It's possible, of course, that I am deluding myself. It's been known to happen, unfortunately. On the off chance that I'm not, however, I'll just let it chug away.

My, this is an odd keyboard. Aside from putting common keys in odd places, it's very stiff. I'll refrain from making any bad puns here.

In other news, I managed to break a wineglass while washing dishes, slicing open the skin just above where my forefinger meets the back of my right hand. Luckily for me, I was wearing heavy rubber gloves (now deceased). If not, I'd be trying to make myself understood at the hospital, although holding up a mangled hand and dripping blood all over intake usually seems to do the trick.

We've got to get that dishwasher fixed.

Well, it's almost half past six. Time for me to see if my 501s still fit, since I haven't worn them since March or something like that.

Then it's off to the Pub to give Miss Kitty some financial advice.

Yes. I know.

But it was her idea.

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