the dilettante's guide to life



a faint whiff of romance
2002-10-27 @ 1:30 p.m.

We did not run to Luke and Laura last night, which surprised me not at all. We saw them Friday night, and I?m pretty sure she?s still recovering from that one. She was sufficiently merry at The Pub to entice three middle aged jerks who thought they had a chance of some sort into following us to Ferdi?s afterwards. Once there, I?m sure they upgraded their odds due to her suggestive dancing and her tendency to flash her tits at all and sundry.

She was even trying to get me to do it, but I don?t flash my tits at anybody unless it?s Mardi Gras and I?m in New Orleans. Probably not even then, come to think of it.

In any case, this continued until one of the stooges was sufficiently emboldened to grab her, at which point she ran over and hid behind Luke. Luckily for her, Luke is a mountain of a man with plenty of room to hide behind. The stooges left soon after.

We tried to get Miss Kitty to walk home with us, since it?s on the way to our place and she was pretty merry herself, albeit not quite to tit flashing level. But she was flirting with Cute Boy, whom I personally find not that cute at all. Plus, Cute Boy is always there with Cute Friend, and I?m not sure which is which, just that neither one would appeal to me.

Last month, we had a conversation about nicknames. Basically how everyone around here seems to have them, and that Miss Kitty was afraid hers was ?Alcoholic? or ?That Drunk?. I would guess it would pertain more to her profession, but last night (oh, all right, this morning) we found out that according to Sir, it?s Sexy.

Yep, Sir has got the hots for Miss Kitty in a big way.

We seem to be running into Sir a lot lately, which is always fine by me, although I now suspect it wasn?t just coincidence. Miss Kitty, Pooka Boy, Sir and I went out together last weekend, too, and he?s been in The Pub a lot this week.

I like Sir lots: he?s a neat guy and a lot of fun. And Miss Kitty?s been finding out what a renaissance guy he is, as well. Shakespearean actor, wine connossieur, gourmet chef, that sort of thing. The problem is, he doesn?t look like a renaissance guy. He?s overweight, prematurely balding, and has a dress sense I can only describe as aggressively casual. Not that it matters one little bit, but Miss Kitty tends to go for Gorgeous, and gorgeous guys don?t tend to work out all that well for her.

Look at her last Gorgeous Boyfriend, who she broke up with a couple months ago. Aside from being very handsome, he still lived at home with mama, who cooked and cleaned and did his laundry for him in the true latin fashion, was unemployed, and broke up with her because she was too ?independent?, meaning she had a job, a car, could take care of herself and pay for their nights out, and refused to spend her life staying at home, cooking for him and washing his dirty underwear.

She deserves much better than that.

I?m pretty sure Pooka Boy would love to go out with her as well, even though he hasn?t got a snowball?s chance. His attention is always focused on her. Unless, that is, there?s a cute young thing half his age around (like last night, for example).

To aid Sir?s cause, we?ve arranged for Elvis, Miss Kitty, me and him to be a team for the Pub Quiz tonight. Pooka Boy and Popeye already have a team from last year, and we?re not welcome to be on it because we?re American and couldn?t possibly get the answers.

Ahem. We?ll see about that, shall we?

Anyway, Miss Kitty and Sir should be able to handle the truly Brit-centric questions, provided Sir makes it back in time from rehearsal.

I?m just hoping there won?t be too many questions about cricket.

Then we truly would be doomed.

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