the dilettante's guide to life



let there be light
2002-10-28 @ 8:10 p.m.

Six o'clock and it?s already dark out. Sheesh.

On the other hand, waking up at some ridiculous hour when it's light outside is much easier.

Pretty standard day. Class went well, and I actually made it to school in time to eat two cheese tarts, drink a diet coke (I wanted espresso, but the Mistress of the Kitchen had gone missing), and smoke a cigarette before class. Which was especially nice since I've finally gotten my period and it's a doozy. Which I rather expected, since I've been PMSing for the last three weeks. I really hate wandering around feeling like there's a giant cork plugging up my ass, though.

Any male readers left? Elvis, perhaps, now that you've found me?

Finally made it to the dry cleaners, too. "Ai," said the Drycleaner Lady, "you speak portuguese now!" Which was rather nice, really. Brought up some diet cokes and milk from my stockpile down in the garage. Actually remembered to buy a lightbulb at the grocery store, so now I don"t have to rummage through my closet in the dark and hope everything turns out OK. Even took some pics for the new diary Katress has so kindly offered to design for me. You're gonna love it, Kat-- it's a new and improved idea. Will take in the photos tomorrow for developing, so I can get it scanned before Friday.

Did some more thinking about the NaNoWriMo novel, too. I've got a plot of sorts, and some characters, and a rough idea of where to start, and it's all good.

Especially good, since our trip to Porto with Pooka Boy and Miss Kitty is definitely on.

We leave early Friday morning, which, coincidentally, is when NaNoWriMo starts. We won't be back until Sunday night.

Which pretty much means that I'll be behind from day one.

I'm bringing my PDA and nifty fold-up keyboard along, but let's be realistic here. We'll be going to port houses, and vinyards, and generally having a good time. Or that's the plan, anyway.

But that's OK.

I like a challenge.

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