the dilettante's guide to life



and just what happened to my focus and determination?
2002-09-06 @ 6:30 p.m.

There is so much to do, I'm not thinking straight. I'm thinking in tangents and circles and diagonals and corkscrews, and little bits of this and that are getting done completely at random.

I mean well, but I'll start off doing A, and I notice that B needs to be done, but while I'm working on B I notice that C needs to be done before I forget, until I notice that D needs doing and it won't take very long, and by the time I'm poking around with X, I've forgotten what my original task was. And that doesn't take into account the fact that I think Y will fit here, but it doesn't, so I have to move Z and put it there, but then where will I put Z? The end result is that I spend more time moving stuff aimlessly around than actually unpacking it and finding it a permanent home.

Never fear. I'm pretty sure I should be finished sometime in October.

In other news, I went out today from some people from the womans' group. In Milan, some one would say "Hey, who wants to go out to lunch?" And a bunch of us would just go. Here, it's something called the Luncheon Circle, but I suppose that it pretty much amounts to the same thing, but with an hour less because no one drinks much, but an hour more because they want to calculate how much each person owes individually, instead of dividing the entire amount by however many people, and maybe knocking off a few bucks for the person who didn't have any wine.

We went to an Italian restaurant, which was better than most places I've been so far in Portugal, but not as good as in Italy, not that I expected it would be.

A couple of the women that were there today belong to the book readers group. Apparently, the last book they discussed was Man and Boy, which they thought was pretty well written, but which they dismissed because the hero has a one night stand somewhere in the middle and they didn't agree with the author's moral stance.

I don't think I'll be joining that one.

I didn't make it to the gym today, and I feel guilty, but not guilty enough to throw on my kit and go this evening.

Oh well. There's always tomorrow.

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