the dilettante's guide to life



a farewell to ducks
2002-09-05 @ 6:33 p.m.

The movers arrived today. Finally! Yeah!

Or, conversely: Shit! This is going to take me forever to set right.

But that's OK, cuz we got our stuff. And that means, aside from proper kitchen equipment, and a video and DVD, and my stereo and CDs, and more than three shirts and two (non-high-heeled) pairs of shoes to wear, that we can put out our own ornaments and decorations.

Put the stamp of our own personalities on the place.

Get rid of those goddamn ducks.

Did I mention the ducks?

Apparently, our landlord has a fixation with ducks.

Oh yes. Loves 'em.

So, there are duck pictures, duck bedspreads (with matching curtains), duck ashtrays, wooden ducks, stoneware ducks, a ceramic duck you can put stuff in. And, just for a change, and extremely cheesy picture of grouse. With a duck in the background.

In short: too many ducks.

But not-- aha!-- anymore. As the movers unpacked, I had them pack those damn ducks up in the empty boxes for banishment. They did all the nasty kitchenware and extra glasses and whatnot while they were at it, and hauled them all downstairs for me and put them in our garage.

Such nice men, our movers. And they were British! You know, I have never moved in Europe with movers that spoke actual English, or any English at all, for that matter. Such a treat.

So now all I have to do is figure out where to put all our stuff, including over one square meter of books. We have no bookcases, you see. I think a trip to the furniture store is in order for this weekend. Also, we need a desk for the computer stuff, instead of this wobbly formica table I'm using now. Do you realize, I'm sitting on a six inch cushion from the daybed in order to be tall enough for this table? I tried phonebooks, but they cut off the circulation in the backs of my thighs.

Oh well: I shall work it out. We have tons of storage space, and we're moving from three rooms to 7 plus hallways, plus storage in the garage, so I doubt I'll have much trouble.

Also I should eat, come to think of it. I got up at 6am, it's 6pm now, and I haven't had so much as a nibble all day.

Yep, food.

Not a bad plan, if I do say so myself.

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