the dilettante's guide to life



what's up with all this yawning?
2003-02-19 @ 5:43 p.m.

I am exhausted, and the galling thing is I don't know why.

Yes, the alarms went off at 5:30 am this morning, but most week mornings they do. (We set two of them, then play echoing snooze alarms for twenty minutes or so.) We didn't go out last night, either. Elvis did some work on the net and I mooched around the apartment, finally crawling into bed earlier than normal with my book and a cup of tea.

Besides, if I've been out the night before, I hardly notice the tiredness. I suppose that if there's a good reason for it, it can safely be ignored.

There were lots of other zombies at the school today, so I'm not alone. My teacher says it's because of the weather. Rain, sun, cold, warm, and all in the space of fifteen minutes, or so it seems. It was mostly rainy today, with the occasional five minutes of sun to keep you off your guard.

The wind is constant, though-- constantly howling. Although I suspect it wouldn't actually howl if this apartment was decently insulated. (For "decently," please read "at all.") It is rather disconcerting: it sounds like there's a blizzard raging out there, until you remember it's August, say, and at least 25C.

I believe I've mentioned that before, haven't I? My apologies. It's the drowsiness. Although I've just made myself an alarmingly strong cup of coffee-- in fact, an entire pot-- which ought to guarantee that I'm up all night and in the same sorry state tomorrow. Unless it gives me an ulcer first, that is, in which case I'll be up all night with the pain.

Elvis requested chicken soup, and it's a good day for it. I made the stock this morning before going to class. I used the pressure cooker, which I haven't done before. It's incredibly fast that way, although it does tend to make the cartilage of the chicken absolutely gelatinous, and leave the onions and leeks pretty much the same way. The leeks were especially disgusting. When I was deboning the cooked chicken, they wrapped themselves around my hands and wouldn't shake off, no matter how hard I tried. It was rather creepy, almost like they were possessed. I'll have to remember that if we ever want to have a haunted house sort of party at Halloween.

Not that I ever do, but you never know, do you?

Getting the skin off the chicken was incredibly easy, though. Basically, all that was required was scraping it off with the side of my index finger. It stuck, too, but one good shake took care of that. I just had to remember to hold my hands very close to the garbage can before doing so.

In any case, I've got the stock defatted and it and the shredded chicken are waiting in the fridge. Elvis just called and will be home in an hour or so, so I'll get up in a minute and dice the carrots, etc for the finished soup. Let it simmer, and it's just a matter of putting the noodles in while he's at the gym.

Provided, of course, that I don't fall asleep at the stove.

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