the dilettante's guide to life



don't you just love my funky new design?
2003-03-27 @ 6:42 p.m.

So. What do you think?

Is this not the most fabulous design in the world?

Of course it is! Many, many thanks to the wonderful Katress, of Designs by Kat fame. Check out her sites: they are fabulous-- almost as fab as Katress herself.


After I posted last night's entry, we got off our behinds and went to the pub. The walk there was, shall we say, invigorating. There's nothing quite like a swirling wind that lifts up your trenchcoat and deposits five or six gallons of water all over your jeans in one go. Wakes you right up! Makes you feel alive!

Alive-- and very, very soggy.

But that was all right. It didn't take us more than a couple of hours to dry out, and we had a nice time. We had two reasons for going, really. One, Popeye texted us and said he would be there. Since he is moving away next week, we want to take advantage of every opportunity to see him before he goes.

Two, Maude had called to say that her son and his wife were visiting, and she'd like us to meet them. As they're going back home before the weekend, it was pretty much a now-or-never type thing. It turns out that Maude's daughter-in-law is from Wisconsin, just like me. Not only that, but she is from the same home town, went to the same high school, and went to the same university as me as well. We had never met before, but that's not terribly surprising since she is quite a bit younger than I am. For example, I had finished grad school and moved away before she ever set foot on the university campus. And I don't even want to think about what she was doing when I finished high school. Playing with her Barbies, I would imagine.

Still, it gets better.

She's met my brother, who's only a little bit older than her. Not only that, she's a good friend of my Sister-in-law. My SIL is a wonderful woman whom I like immensely. Maude's DIL reminds me of her a lot. So I spent a good portion of the evening talking to her, which was nice. I didn't get to talk to Maude's son much, although Elvis did. They're nice people, just like Maude. (She left Harold at home, so a good time was had by all.)

Today was a pretty good day. I went to faux-yoga this morning, and spent most of the rest of it writing and working on some of my other projects that I never seem to get around to doing. I got mail from my newly unemployed friend, and it's not too bad. She gets severence and a bonus, plus she'll get unemployment. Plus, as she reminded me, she didn't really like that job much anyway. So bills will be paid, mental health will be maintained, thinks will work out in the end.

As for the weather: it started out sunny, descended into darkness and driving rain about the time I left the gym, and went back to sunny and bright and blue-skied about a couple hours ago. Schizo weather.

As for tonight, Popeye sent me a message about meeting him at the pub. Popeye isn't working this week, and is currently living in a hotel since his lease ended. Ozzie and Harriet have discussed putting a cot in the pub just for him, although he maintains he'd be just fine stretched out on one of the banquettes. It will never come to that, of course-- they'd never leave him all alone in a fully stocked bar. That would be just plain silly. But I digress.

I discussed it with Elvis, and we decided against all reason and common sense that we would go.

We also decided that we wouldn't stay out until two in the morning. Again.


Like so many things, We Shall See.


Once again, Thank You Katress!! You're such a sweetheart.

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