the dilettante's guide to life



everybody hates a whinger, especially me
2003-03-26 @ 8:25 p.m.

I don't know who googled me looking for "sexy headmistress", but I doubt they found what they were looking for.

And after the previous, neither will the next person, I wager.

And that's about it for me. It's a gray day. Gray skies, gray concrete, and with all the mist, gray air-- it doesn't even matter if it's raining or not.

It's very hard not to be depressed. Not just that, but worried and nervous as well. The news is bad and can't be avoided. There's the war, of course, and all the other nasty, violent, senseless and just plain stupid stuff going on in the world. There's work related stuff we need to do tonight online, but the site kept on crashing (taking my browser down with it and sparking a snarky little tiff in the process), and now it seems to be defunct for the foreseeable future. To top it off, my best friend lost her job. This, after she spent too long being unemployed and supporting a slimebag asshole of a boyfriend, and had finally worked her way back into a good life, both personally and financially.

All is not lost, though. She has a good man by her side now, and good friends. She'll find another job soon, I can feel it in my bones.

What feeling I have in my bones, that is. I feel tired and run down. Not ill, but just plain blah.


I feel gray, and I feel listless and old, and I don't like it one tiny bit.

Elvis seems to be feeling similarly, with the unhelpful addition of a runny nose.

Enough of this entry. Mind over matter, I am now determined to perk ourselves up.

I'm wondering if a trip to the pub would help?

It might just, provided we wear our most waterproof shoes.

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