the dilettante's guide to life



baby's got a brand new bane
2003-06-04 @ 7:41 p.m.

Yesterday was a pretty decent day, mainly because the bane of my existence became a little less bane-like.

The bane of my existence has been, recently anyways, our women's group's Annual Activities Fair. It's sort of like a trade show, and local businesses either owned by our members or who cater to the English speaking community set up booths as well. It only lasts for a couple of hours (thank God!), and afterwards there is a banquet of sorts for around eighty people. Oh, and there's coffee, tea, juice and cute and yummy little pastries while the trade show bit is going on. And possibly sandwiches and some nice fresh fruit platters. That sort of thing. For 200 people. Minimum.

It is the bane of my existence because I'm in charge of it. Which is fine, I suppose, only they didn't bother to tell me that little factoid until after I'd already agreed to be the Activities Coordinator and they'd publicized it and all. At which point I should have said "forget it" and walked away but I didn't because generally I'm a nice person and, you know, a bit stupid. That, and I was suspicious about the whole deal anyway, so I wasn't astounded or anything. I'm not THAT stupid.

Still, it didn't seem that bad. A wonderful woman who speaks excellent Portuguese and has been here forever and knows how things work around here agreed to help me, so that was all right.

Except, of course, she moved.

Which is OK. I'm not completely incompetent. I have at least a modicum of intelligence. I'll figure it out. I can do this.

Last year, we had the event at the Convention Center. They crammed us into a little room, served us crappy food, pulled 10 and 15 percent surcharges out of their asses and generally screwed us without, to my knowlege, so much as a peck on the cheek. Some people liked it, though, because the venue was modern and new and freshly opened, complete with that new carpet petroleum They'd be happy to do us again this year, but the prices have gone way up, don'cha know. Oh, and scheduling could be a problem, but we'll fit you in somewhere. We can work it out! Right.

Rape me once, shame on you, etc.

The year before, they had it at a hotel which nobody liked for all sorts of reasons. So I went to the Cultural Center, who agreed to do it for a very, very attractive price. I love the Cultural Center. It's shiny and bright, yet housed in a historic building that they have cleverly converted in such a way as to retain its character. The space we'll be in is the atrium, which is airy and spacious and flooded with natural light. There's Art everywhere. (Hey, Culture!) Not only that, we got our first choice of dates, plus they have awesome food. I'm always in favor of good food. It's perfect! Go me!

I was so proud of myself, and I told the other board members, who chorused "It's way too small!" I didn't think so, so I went back and had a look around, and concluded that they might just have a point. Uh-oh. So I discussed it more with my friends, who by this point were undecided on whether or not it would work after all.

So yesterday, I hauled down a couple of friends who have worked on this event in the past (as part of a bloody COMMITTEE, but can I get anybody to be on my damn committee? Hell no. But I'm not bitter.) We ate an awesome lunch, and talked with the manager of the restaurant, and the Professor who heads the Foundation, and some other folks, all of which are wonderful, incredibly nice people. In the end, we concluded that not only was it big enough, but that we'll have lots more space than last year, and laid out better, too.

In fact, it's going to be a fabulous event. Bound to be.

Provided, of course, I can lay my hands on some big-ass tables for the exhibitors. The Foundation doesn't have any, which makes sense seeing as it's an Art Foundation. When they prepare for a new exhibition, they pretty much hang the pictures on the walls and have done with it-- at least according to the Professor. They do have some pedestals for sculptures, but not many and that's not really what we're after. Apparently, the municipality might have some tables we can use. I'll be arranging a meeting with Municipality Lady next.

Actually, I was supposed to do it today, but the line was busy early on, then Elvis called me with a Brand New Bane, so I've spent most of my day tearing my hair out over that.

God forbid I should go bane-less or anything.


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