the dilettante's guide to life



Everybody hates The Penguin
2002-03-06 @ 6:06 p.m.

Now Playing: Lyle Lovett.

W, apparently, has had enough of The Penguin.

And I don't blame him: the main is a number 1 prime asshole, no mistake. The sound of his voice makes my spine coil. And I don't even have to work with the bastard, which W does. So W calls me from work to tell me what he's done: called Otto in Germany, emailed his boss in the states, talked to the Head Italian. We're out of here, ASAP.

I want to cry.

I love Italy, and so does W. I will hate to leave. But on the other hand, it physically pains me to see W so unhappy. And it puts me beyond fury that one person, as evil and twisted as Mr. Penguin is, can make life so un-endurable on this project. The Italians, I think, are finally waking up to what is happening. They've lost a lot of good people already, courtesy of the bastard penguin. And if W goes, they're really screwed. The Head Italian says to wait, we'll see what can be done. They've said that before. Sometimes, The Penguin ratchets it down to semi-spawn-of-the-devil, once for weeks. His true nature always comes through, in the end. I'm pretty sure that even The Minion sees through him. Not enough to cease to do his bidding, though. Or to stop sleeping with him. The thought of which makes me nauseous. I mean, his wife is kinda stuck with him, what with the kids and all. But The Minion could do better, especially with those new boobs that rumor says The Penguin paid for. They haven't been in The Pub lately, guess they've found a new place away from all those prying eyes. Which makes The Landlord happy because, paying customers or no, he thinks they're slime. I think it's a shame, because I'd like to kick him in the balls so hard that he'd bobbitt his own penis. Except, I'm not sure it would hurt him. Or worse, he might like it.

Otto and the gang are going to try and delicately extract W from the project. They want to send us to Lisbon. I love Lisbon, but ironically I've never really had the desire to live there. I'll manage. And at least it's not Frankfurt. I've served my time in Frankfurt and I do not want to go back.

Of course, it may not happen. The Italians have committed W to the end of the year, and what with U1 and U2 leaving it may be impossible to get him out (The U's can't stand The Penguin either-- despite the fact that they both work for him! He hired them! Brought them here! And gave them a hard time when they wouldn't join his Creatures of Doom. Neither would Mr. V, who is also out of here at the end of the summer when his contract is up.)

So, we'll see. At the very least, we're out of here at the end of the year.

I really don't want to leave Italy.

W, on the other hand, is starting to get depressed. He didn't want to go in to work today, I can tell. And that's the saddest thing of all. He loves his job. Adores it. Just not this project. Just not The Penguin.

I hope they can get him out of there soon.

It's a gloomy day today. Dark and dank and depressing. Plus, there doing some kind of work somewhere in the building that requires running a jackhammer. All day.

W works late tonight, so I'm going to yoga. Not my usual class, but in Italian. It's a beginners class that Angie and Bruce go to, so I thought I'd check it out. It is significantly cheaper than my usual, too. We shall see. Maybe it will cheer me up.

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