the dilettante's guide to life



dreaming of a white christmas
2002-12-24 @ 10:57 a.m.

There always seems to be something to do, doesn't there? I have a pie to make, and Elvis's favorite green beans with new potatoes. There's dip to be made, and carrots to peal and cut into sticks for the veggie platter or disks for the glazed carrots with the dinner. My cheese ball, which I made at Thanksgiving and thoughtfully froze (Thank God!), needs to be covered with walnuts, and the walnuts need to be chopped for the occasion. For some reason, I hate that bit-- the coating, that is, not the chopping.

There's a leaning tower of laundry to be seen to (injuring my back did not help my lackadaisical laundry habits in the slightest), and last minute gifts to wrap. The Christmas tablecloth neeeds ironing, and the table set. I should probably take a shower somewhere along the line as well, and sooner rather than later.

Outside, it's rainy and 16C (61F). There is not prospect of snow in sight, or even a bit of crisp weather, and I can't tell you how wrong that feels. Not only that, but it makes my festive holiday sweaters completely useless.

And then there's the Christmas cookies. I'm not sure why I started them, really. I made up the dough yesterday, and it's all rolled out and resting in the fridge. I even made a test batch last night as well as the icing, which is tricky because you need to keep adding powdered sugar, then water, then powdered sugar, etc. Repeat this until you get the right consistency, and you find that you've got a veritable vat of the stuff. So today it's cut, bake, ice, and decorate ad nauseum. I would say that I don't know why I do it, but I do. Elvis loves sugar cookies. With icing, and the little silvery balls that tend to roll all over the place, although if I just tint the icing he'd probably be happy, too.

That's the point, though, isn't it? I want him to be happy, as well as our friends when they come for Christmas dinner. Feasting merrily is definitely in order, and to do that we need plenty of nice food to feast on. It's a Love Thing, and doing it makes me feel happy as well.

And I hope you are all happy this holiday season, regardless of which holiday you celebrate. Even it it's none whatsoever, please be happy anyway, just because.

Merry Chistmas!

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