the dilettante's guide to life



i'm not sure i'll be able to manage the LNBOE three nights in a row...
2003-04-25 @ 8:33 p.m.

Yesterday was pretty chaotic.

It was one of those run, run, run sort of days. Tto the gym, first, then to the coffee morning for our women's group. We had a speaker in honor of Earth Day, a marine biologist from the Lisbon aquarium. Lisbon has one of the best aquariums in the world, by the way. They built it for the Expo in 1998 and it is fantastic. The speaker was fabulous, extremely interesting and personable. He belongs to one of our members in some way-- I think they're married, but I'm not sure. Not that it matters anyway.

She Who Must Be Obeyed was there with her brand new baby son, whom she dotes on horribly. He's a cute little bugger, without a doubt, and I had a good time fussing over him. Well, when I got a chance to-- his mother fusses over him so much it's hard to get a fuss in edgewise. She told me that she'd forced the pediatrician to tell her he's the prettiest baby that he's ever seen, although she doubts his sincerity. "Who's a pretty boy, then?" she cooed to her son, and I asked her if she'd given birth to a parrot. She says her husband's been on to her about that, too.

After that, to the post office to pay bills. One of them was due today, but since it's a national holiday it had to be done yesterday. It took me forty minutes, which isn't too good but isn't the worst wait I've ever had, either.

After that, I killed some time at the little mall in town while waiting for our pictures from the Algarve to be developed. I've been promising Elvis I'd get it done, and the post office is practically next door. I went there specially on Tuesday, stopped in at the grocery, picked up some contact lens solution, and completely forgot about dropping off the film until I'd walked half-way home.

After that, home to change and make myself look presentable, then off to Happy Hour. This is the one Sheila and I arranged at my friend's restaurant, which is doing fantastic. It was nice. We had a decent turnout, especially considering it was the first one and this is a holiday week so lots of folks are out of town. We had a good mix of people show up, some of which we hardly ever see. Some of the older ladies were there, too, all dolled up for a night on the town, which was fun.

At about twelve, we headed for the Pub, and then on to the Late Night Bar of Evil, since today is a holiday and since Lady Jane was working and demanded our presence. Elvis was sensible and went home at around 3:30 or so to get something to eat. I stayed until close and shared a taxi home with Lady Jane and Sir, which was probably a good thing. I woke up at around 7:30 this morning, sitting bolt upright on the toilet. My neck hurt. Then I got undressed and went to bed.

Elvis went in to work today, since nobody else was going to be there and he could get some stuff done. I lazed around the house and totally wasted the day.

Oh well. It's raining.

I'd just as soon stay in tonight, but we can't. Janet is moving to Spain tomorrow, so tonight is her last night, and we are compelled to party hearty in her honor.

Speaking of which, I should be off.

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