the dilettante's guide to life



miss kitty and all those cute guys
2003-02-03 @ 8:35 p.m.

We went out to dinner with some friends on Saturday night. We had intended to go to the South African restaurant. I suggested that maybe we should reserve since there were six of us, and it was a Saturday night. Miss Kitty didn't agree, since she's been there the last two Saturdays without one. No prizes for guessing what happened next.

So we ended up at a hybrid restaurant. I've never been there before, but I always had assumed that it was two different places. A reasonable assumption, I think, since they have two big signs with menus on them outside on the sidewalk-- one for Jappa Sushi and one for Restuarante Pizzaria Lucullus. It turns out that, lo and behold, it really is one restaurant, parts of which looks rather Japanese, other parts that look-- well, maybe not Italian, but certainly Mediterranean style. It's not a combo that would have occurred to me, but why not? Everybody ordered pizza except for Elvis, who ordered pasta and me, who decided to be brave and go with the sushi. My food, which required no actual cooking, came last.

My food always comes last, which is a bummer since I'm a slow eater.

And the sushi? Was good. Very good, in fact, and not a bad value either. Apparently the restaurant is even nicer in the summer when they retract the glass roof and the dining area we ate in (the Mediterranean part) becomes an outdoor terrace.

I can deal with that.

Miss Kitty spent most of her weekend (or so it seemed) stalking the elusive Cute Guy Version 5.0. Or possibly 7.0, or 9.2. It gets hard to keep track. The problem is that when she meets a guy that she's interested in, and he's cute-- and they're all cute, at least in the eyes of Miss Kitty-- she refers to him as Cute Guy. Which is fine, but when she gets disillusioned with Cute Guy the First or happens upon an even cuter guy, her new target is automatically referred to as Cute Guy. Which is fine, I suppose, but quite often she neglects to tell me about the switch. That's when we end up in conversations like this:

Dilettante: Hey look! There's cute guy.
Miss Kitty: Where?
Dilettante: Right over there.
Miss Kitty: That's not cute guy.
Dilettante: It is.
Miss Kitty: No.
Dilettante: (mystified) It was last week.
Miss Kitty: Yeah, well. He's not that cute, really.
Dilettante: Well, maybe not, but I thought you thought he was.
Miss Kitty: I did, but on second thought, he's really not that cute.
Dilettante: Oh. But you said you were looking for Cute Guy.
Miss Kitty: I am.
Dilettante: So why aren't you over talking to him?
Miss Kitty: Because that's not cute guy.
Dilettante: I see.
Miss Kitty: Look! Over there, standing behind Sir.
Dilettante: (looks and sees 10 guys standing in that area, any one of which could conceivably be referred to as cute) Which one?
Miss Kitty: In the blue shirt. That matches his eyes.
Dilettante: If you say so.
Miss Kitty: That's Cute Guy.
Dilettante: So why don't you go talk to him?
Miss Kitty: Oh, I can't just walk up and talk to him.

Which is why she bullied Harold, who it turns out actually knows the latest Cute Guy, to arrange a guy's night out, in order for her to "accidentally" run into them somewhere along the way. Now, why she feels it necessary to do this is beyond me. She always ends up talking to the Cute Guys, in the end. And she's talked with Current Cute Guy before. Actually, there was another Cute Guy since then, but he turned out to be a university student and she felt that 12 or 13 years was perhaps just a bit too much of an age difference. Well, that, plus his comment that she "maintained" herself very well.

NOTE TO YOUNGER MEN: You maintain a car. As much as you may like cars, they are not at all the same thing as women. And while I'm at it, comments involving phrases like "well preserved" will not fare any better.

Meanwhile, Saturday at the Late Night Bar of Evil, she had FOUR guys vying for her attention. At the same time, no less. Elvis asked her about it on Sunday, and she claims not to have noticed! "I can never tell! Why didn't anybody tell me?" Miss Kitty wailed. Elvis replied, "I thought it was pretty obvious. When you've got four guys flirting with you, I would think it would be pretty difficult not to notice."

I would certainly notice, if I were to be so lucky.

So now she wants us to notify her whenever we spot someone trying to pick her up. Brilliant idea, Miss K. I can just see Elvis now, tugging on your sleeve in the middle of your conversation with a Potentially Cute Guy: "Hey, this guy wants to get in your pants!" Loudly, of course, because the LNBOE is never quiet. You'll have no trouble hearing Elvis, though, and neither will your potential CG, because his deep voice carries well, and he'll probably time it for between songs.

Heh. Methinks we can both have quite a bit of fun with that one. Be careful what you wish for, and all that.

I went to my Portuguese class today. I haven't been since before Christmas, and I had intended to spend January doing some intensive reviewing. Which I didn't. Well, not much anyway. As it turns out, it didn't matter. We've got some new students and they've spent the last month reviewing anyway. They're not even close to where we were when we left off.

I'm kind of disappointed about that. Deep down, I guess I was looking forward to being a bit behind, since I always seemed to be a bit ahead before. It would give me incentive to study harder. It's not that I don't want to study: I do. But if I can get by without it, I won't. There always seems to be something else that I'd rather be doing. On the other hand, they've put me in a new active language module that's more advanced, and that may be just the incentive I need.

We shall see.

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