the dilettante's guide to life



2003-03-17 @ 5:17 p.m.

I've had better days.

For one thing, I'm sick. My throat is sore, my eardrums feel odd, my body is achy, and I'm just not feeling right in myself. My brain can't seem to focus, either: I'm all vacant and scattered. It's bad enough that I haven't gone anywhere today-- not to class, not to the grocery store, not to the gym, not to the drycleaners. All things that need doing, but I'm just not up to it, and I really am not wanting to make myself even worse off. This is unusual for me, as I'm the type of person that tends to keep slogging on through life no matter how I feel, a river of used tissues in my wake. Some microbe or other isn't going to slow ME down, no siree.

This, however, feels more like a flu than a cold. I can't remember the last time I've had the flu.

The weather today is filthy, which is both good and bad. It makes it much easier to be sick when outside is nothing but grey skies and rain. On the other hand, all the wet means it's very damp and cold in our apartment, and the swirling winds make me afraid to light a fire. When it's windy like this, the smoke tends to get blown back down into the fireplace and is forced around the glass door, belching out into the living room, filling it with smoke.

I've spent the day drinking cups of tea, but I'll need to stop that soon as I'm on my last carton of milk and I'll be wanting some for tomorrow. I'm out of diet cokes. Hot chocolate would be nice, but the only kind we have requires milk. They don't do instant here. I'd make ice tea, but I only ever make sun tea so I'm not sure how to do it the regular way. Maybe I can make some lemonade. That might be nice, although I'm not really up for anything cold at all. I feel cold enough as it is, although the thermometer says I don't have much of a fever, if any.

I tried to give the dishwasher another chance a while ago. It was either that or wash my lunch dishes by hand, and I just didn't feel like it. The dishwasher is still dead.

Watching TV doesn't help. Depressing news, no matter where I turn. That, and Alf. I hate Alf.

But the pinacle, the icing on the cake is that my left shift key doesn't seem to be working. Oh, it hasn't given up the ghost just yet. It will stop working for a while, then decide to work, then decide not to. I've been coping using the caps lock and the shift on the right side, but it's a royal pain in the butt, especially since the left key is the one you use the most, especially for punctuation.

When I called the school today to say I wouldn't be in, she told me that there's been something going around. I should have asked her how long I should expect it to last.

On the other hand, maybe I don't want to know.

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