the dilettante's guide to life



yet another reason i don't like mondays
2002-10-14 @ 9:27 a.m.

Q: What goes "Yeah, yes, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit"?

A: Dilettante checking the football scores.

I did not do well this week at all. Here's the sad thing: after last week's dismal predictive performance by yours truly, I decided to put some extra effort into it. So I surfed around the sports sites, did some research, made note of what people who supposedly do this for a living were saying, and modified my picks accordingly.

Had I gone with my original choices, I would have done so much better.

Nothing like a little frustration on a Monday morning, eh?

But now it's time to go to school, so I'll write about the rest of my weekend later.

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