the dilettante's guide to life



even work doesn't get in the way of the lnboe
2003-07-13 @ 10:53 p.m.

Miraculously, we left the Late Night Bar of Evil on Friday before 1 am.

That's right! Before 1 am. At that time of night, there's nobody even in there yet. We stopped by for a small beer and a chat with Mr. and Mrs. Evil on our way home. Elvis had to work Saturday, and worked late on Friday evening as well, so we had decided to make it an early one. The Evils are going back to Evil City for holiday soon, which is nice for them, to see their family and friends. We're not looking forward to it, however, because when Mr. Evil's gone the Mr. Evil Wannabe plays the music and, since he is merely a wannabe, it's no where near as good. Let's face it, the LNBOE just isn't the LNBOE without Mr. Evil in residence.

Not only that, Sir and Lady Jane will be joining them for a while, so Lady Jane won't be there either. It doesn't look good for us loyal patrons, I'll tell you that.

We made up for our apalling lapse in debauchery by staying out late last night-- or, to be strictly accurate, this morning. Elvis worked late again, despite the fact that it was Saturday, so I met him down at the pub later on. We played darts with Pooka Boy, and with Lunatic and George, who had obviously been there for a while. They were in rare form, those two-- I haven't laughed so hard all week. Insane, the pair of them. At one point George had had enough of Lunatic's harassing him while he was trying to throw, and started chucking darts at Lunatic's feet saying "Go on, jump. I want to see you jump, you tosser." And these two were partners, no less. It was almost too easy to beat them-- and a bit embarrassing when they finally won a game, although at that point we didn't really care.

After a while Snap and Jack showed up, and Dudess, and things really started to get out of hand. When a bunch of guys from the Portuguese dart team arrived, someone thought is would be a good idea to play Killer.

It's never a good idea to play killer, especially when you've got thirteen people and the majority of them are drunk. We played for 2 Euros a head, though, which made it go a bit faster. People tend to concentrate better when there's beer money on the line. Elvis won, although I managed to come in second. Being able to manipulate the Lunatic, who had no idea what he was doing (not that he often does), didn't hurt.

After the pub, we went to the LNBOE, as you do. Well, as we do, anyway. It was a fun night. Lots of dancing and joking around. And drinking, of course, until the wee small hours. To our credit, we did leave before Mr. Evil started kicking people out, which makes for a nice change, I suppose. The only reason for our unusual behavoir is that Elvis went into work today.

Again. Things are kicking into high gear on the project, and he anticipates working almost every day, for insane hours, for the next month or more. Poor Elvis, although there comes a point in every project where it happens, so we're used to it. Unfortunately for him, he's having to take the train home when he works so late, and the trains are on reduced summer hours, so it takes a lot longer for him to get home. He went in today at around 2, and I expect him to get home around 11:00 tonight, which is in fifteen minutes. He's stopping by for takeout, so I'd better get the table set up and the DVD player ready to go. He's bound to be starving. Actually, I know he is, as he called and told me.

More tomorrow.

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