the dilettante's guide to life



plastic hates me
2002-04-11 @ 8:13 a.m.

Now Playing: Yes.

Elvis is ecstatic, truly in a good mood, which is wonderful to see.

I haven't whipped up any enthusiasm for the move yet, but no use doing that until it's finalized. The Company is notorious for changing plans at the last minute. We've grown used to this, of course. It's not like we really have any choice in the matter.

I'm feeling much better about it, however.

I had a bad plastic day yesterday.

There is a specific type of bra that I started wearing about a year ago. It has clear plastic straps, which is good for wearing under tops with little straps in the summer. But what I really like about those straps is that they don't slide off my shoulders at opportune moments.

On the down side, however, they do tend to snap without warning. The plastic bit that anchors the strap to the back of the bra is flimsy in the extreme and prone to snap in half, causing the strap itself to twang like a rubber band. Which hurts like hell, but us women endure things like that for beauty and a bra that fits properly.

Last night, my bra snapped as I was getting undressed, the rubber band effect leaving a red mark behind. I went to put some lotion on it, and the flip-top cap to that came off in my hand.

Dilettante: Plastic hates me today.

Elvis: Whatever you do, don't touch your vibrator.

Dilettante: (stares pointedly at Elvis as he continues)

Elvis: Not worth the risk, really. It would be a horrible fate.

Which is true, I suppose.

You know, it's hard to maintain an evil look when you're laughing.

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