the dilettante's guide to life



test-driving the new blue shoes
2002-04-03 @ 11:10 p.m.

Now Playing: Santana.

Tips on proper usage of bitchin' new blue shoes with über-pointy toes

First of all, keep it simple. A pair of black pants, paired with a simple black top, should set them off nicely. A black leather jacket is never amiss. If you get too warm as the afternoon progresses, I'm sure you can handle it. Hey, at least you wear antiperspirant instead of some deodorant-only pit perfume, right?

Remember: It's About The Shoes.

Yes, stick to the basics, and you'll do just fine. And by basics, I do mean basic. For example, walking. You do remember how to do that, right? Heel-toe, heel-toe. And LIFT your feet when you're walking; don't just shuffle along. Those über-points are serious business. So pay attention! If you don't, you may find yourself tripping over a cobblestone three meters from your own front door.

And you won't be looking very cool if that happens, will you?

Although you may be bitching.


As you may have gathered, I took my new shoes for a stroll today. We went to the photo shop to pick up some prints I had developed, to the bancomat, that sort of thing.

Then we went to the grocery store, where I purchased some soy-milk for the cat, thanks to the excellent suggestion of AlmostNormal. Yes, we do have soy-milk in Italy, but not the Silk brand, although it doesn't appear that you can purchase less than a liter of it at a time. This being Italy, serving suggestions include using soy milk in bechamel, hot chocolate, creme-caramel and gelato. Oh, and you can always drink it as is, of course, or in cappuccino, although those suggestions are so far down the list that they don't appear to be recommendations. Of course, Italians don't appear to drink their milk straight. At least, not that I've noticed.

It's in the fridge now, getting nice and cold, just the way she likes it. (My cat, spoiled? Nah.) Next step is to see if she likes it. If not, of course, I'll be making bechamel, although Lord knows what I'll do with that because Elvis sure as hell won't eat it, under the things-that-look-creamy-whether-or-not-there-is-actually-any-cream-in-it rule.

I bought cat litter, too. Now we're all happy.

Tips on the successful Changing Of The Litter Box.

After selecting a suitable plastic bag, carefully basing your choice on appropriate size and apparent sturdiness, check it for holes before pouring in the used, noisome and possibly toxic litter.

Scene from tonight's meeting of the Professional Women in Milan

Friend 1: You look...different tonight.

Dilettante: Thank you so much.

Friend 1: No, no. Not in a bad way. Just....different.

Friend 2: Maybe it's the new suit.

Friend 1: No. Dilettante always wears a suit.

Friend 2: No, I meant maybe it's a new suit.

Dilettante: It's an old suit. Maybe it's the hair thing I've got going on.

Friend 1: You haven't got your hair cut since last week, have you?

Dilettante: No.

Friend 2: Have you lost some weight?

Friend 1: No, that's not it.

Dilettante: (silently) Damn!

Friend 1: Maybe... No... You look shorter! You're not wearing heels! You always wear killer heels!

(All three look down at Dilettante's feet.)

Friend 2: Oooh, pointy.

Friend 1: And blue. Those are too cool. Me like.

Friend 2: Where did you get them?

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