the dilettante's guide to life



The terrorists didn't win. The clocks did.
2002-03-31 @ 10:42 a.m.

This morning, I awoke to a sunny, bright Easter morning. It's a beautiful day. Truly.

I had decided last night that I was not letting some two-bit terrorists or alarmist state department run my life. I decided to go to Mass today. I do go to Mass, although not every single Sunday. I always go on Easter.

If I don't go to Mass out of fear, the terrorists win.

It really is that simple.


I forgot to "spring forward", and hence unwittingly overslept. When Elvis told me that it was daylight savings time, it was 25 minutes before Mass was due to start. It takes five minutes to walk to the church, leaving me twenty minutes to shower, dress, do hair, do make-up. I need more time than that.

I'm not as low maintenence as I used to be, and I don't think that I was ever that low maintence.

I just hope that the people who do go to Mass this morning don't think that fear kept me away. I'd rather they knew that it was my own stupidity, to be quite honest. Surely I'm not the only one who's ever forgotten about Daylight Savings Time?

And I also hope that I was wrong, and that they are safe.

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