the dilettante's guide to life



Revenge of the Russians
2002-03-14 @ 3:32 p.m.

W just got home. Gave me a kiss, told me he loved me, and went back to bed.

Maybe he is sick enough to stay home after all.

On the other hand, this means I can't watch TV while I eat my lunch, seeing as our TV, for reasons known only to my landlord, is in the bedroom. Maybe they liked to watch dirty movies? Whatever the reason, that's where the satellite connection is, and when we upgraded to digital we left it there.

Oh well, I'll just read. Pretend to be one of those smug bastards who won't watch all that drivel on the box.

On the other hand, drivel is often fun.

And I have stacks and stacks of drivel-free DVDs. Assuming, of course, that Buffy is not drivel. Which, of course, she's not. Buffy kicks ass.

Lord, I must be faint with hunger. Better make some lunch, especially since Ladies Night always starts with a cocktail hour or two before dinner.

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