the dilettante's guide to life



Bologna, Venice, and Italian Travesties
2002-02-18 @ 6:45 p.m.

Now playing: Coldplay. Then: Tears for Fears.

So, why is it that when you've got lots to report, something actually interesting to say for a change... you've no time to do it? Sod's Law, as my British friends would say.

Actually, it's very nice. Nothing to do tonight, the husband's working late, yoga tomorrow morning, but nothing else for the rest of the day. I don't know what to do with myself, really. Should I read? Watch TV? I could cook, but I've just made (and devoured) a large pizza, plus a pot of borscht for tomorrow (or tonight if I get hungry again. Fat chance!)

So, what is new. I don't even remember when I last updated this damn thing.

Went to Bologna. Ate lots. Learned not to climb up giant towers after a full lunch.

Went to Venice with the ladies. Spacia planned this one, so it was moderately screwed up. We bought our tickets ourselves, so we were not one of the unlucky without seat reservations who had to stand all the way to Verona. The costumes were nice, although I couldn't help but notice that it was mainly tourists that seemed to be wearing them. Sort of disconcerting to look at a mysterious, glamorous rennaissance woman and hear "'Ere, Nigel, give us a fag!". And truly enchanting to look in the windows at Cafe Florian and see all the masked patrons-- like peering back through time. Definitely not tourists sipping all that prosecco, although, again, the potato chips were a rather jarring note.

We got screwed by the management of Tintero at the wine class, although probably not as much as people think we did. Donna now admits that she's "not an organization person", apparently. Next class is at the hotel, in the yellow, yellow room. Stay tuned!

Busted my butt to get my black leather coat in for button replacement. It was done Friday (or not, this IS Italy), and I still haven't gotten around to picking it up. One for tomorrow, methinks.

The cat is sacked out on the sofa. No change there.

Lent has begun, albeit a bit late. (After all, this IS Milano). No Ash Wednesday here, thanks to a timely plague remission and papal dispensation hundreds and hundreds of years ago. No, we had until Saturday for Carnevale, although we didn't bother with it this year. (And after I bought those masks in Venice and all!) What it does mean is that we get Ash Sunday, and on the third time I've got lucky and found the trick: get in the line with the Italian priest. He sprinkles instead of grinding it into your forehead. Not bella figura to waltz around with cenere on your forehead, apparently.

Once again, my Italian teacher wanted to talk about politics (specifically, what a jerk Burlusconi is, plus something about Tony Blair visiting the WWII Axis of Berlin, Rome and Tokyo. Shouldn't that have been Milan? Hmmm.) Got her off that, only to have her start in on how European colonialism in S. America 400 years ago is still affecting the economies there today. Which is bullshit. I should never have mentioned that economics degree. I really think the main problem is that the woman has no friends, no one to talk to except Mama. And Mondays are the worst, as she's been pent up all weekend. Finally got her back to the book, under duress. Wonder if she'll get the point, or if it will be back to the same old crap on Thursday. I suppose I wouldn't mind so much, but it's really NOT helping my Italian.

On the other hand, I think the new books I bought are. If only I could get her to stick to them.

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