the dilettante's guide to life



i wonder what tomorrow will bring
2003-03-13 @ 7:40 p.m.

Our neighbors seem to be building an ark in their living room.

There are few things that could possibly thrill me less.

Remember how I said I had nothing planned for today, nothing at all, and how I couldn't wait?

Remember how I planned to go to the gym, maybe do some laundry and-- most importantly-- get some writing done?


Amount of writing or other work I was able to do on my own projects: Zero.

Amount of writing done for other people's business, that I either should have been asked to do last week or shouldn't have had to do in the first place: Too Damn Much.

Although I did get to the gym and do some laundry, which is very small consolation indeed.

It seems I owe my retauranteur friend an apology.

I finally got through to her Tuesday evening. She said she'd be in and that we should stop by whenever. When we got there, not only had she talked to the chef about a possible hors d'oevre menu, but she'd thought about prices too.

With all the lights on and stone cold sober, the downstairs bar does look rather cold, and not as inviting as I thought. With more customers, though, who knows.

Not only that, but I took a good look at the menu. It's not near as "challenging" as I had thought. Oh, it's plenty eclectic, but there are some items on there that are a bit more familiar or that could easily be prepared more simply for those with a less adventurous palate.

This is NOT the menu I saw, however. The menus are done in such a way that they can be easily changed-- and they plan to change it quite often depending on the season and what produce is available. Either she changed it since opening (but she says she didn't), or the menu she showed me a couple months ago was changed before they opened. Probably the latter, and when I glanced at the menu last weekend I hadn't noticed the changes. Certainly, some of the items on it are still the same or pretty close. However, I do recall a dish involving mango coulis and lamb, which is nowhere in evidence on the current bill of fare.

Whatever the reason, it's possible for Elvis to get a plain grilled steak with potatoes so it looks like we might be eating there sometime after all. The menu pretty much defies categorization, although there are a lot of Mediterranean influences, especially Italian.

Not that I can see any of the Mamas at the Esselunga rushing home to prepare basil and olive oil mash, mind you. But hey, for all I know they might have been and just not told me.

The official Grand Opening is tomorrow, and we will be there. As to the rest, we shall see.

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