the dilettante's guide to life



did i mention that it was bright in there?
Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004 @ 9:16 pm

Elvis had his first guitar lesson today.

Four and a half hours later, he calls me to say that he's finished with his guitar lesson, he enjoyed it immensely, and is on his way home. It seems that after the lesson, Elvis, Sean and Seamus went out for a bit of Post First Guitar Lesson celebration. I have no idea what bar they went to, aside from the fact that "it was bright in there. Really, really bright." And cold, because they left the door open and they were sitting right next to the door. Also, they served free peanuts. And did I mention that it was bright in there?

Elvis has. Repeatedly.

I am beginning to wonder just what I've let myself in for.

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